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Founding Era Documents
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Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in June of 1776. Adopted by the second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 (but not signed until later), it crystallized the political philosophy of the American people and set forth a list of grievances against the British king.
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On May 14, 1787, delegates gathered in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation, drafted 10 years earlier, into the framework of an entirely new government. The U.S. Constitution has been amended numerous times. In this transcription, hyperlinks to specific amendments identify the passages that were changed.
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The Federalist Papers were written and published between 1787 and 1788 in several New York state newspapers to persuade voters to ratify the proposed Constitution. The Federalist Papers contains 85 essays advocating the Constitution over the Articles of Confederation, while outlining how the new government would operate. All of the essays were signed "PUBLIUS" -- with the primary authors being Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. The Federalist Papers are well known to be "THE" primary foundational study for anyone interested in learning about the United States Government and the U.S. Constitution.
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The Bill of Rights is the name given to the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Proposed by the First Congress in 1789, these amendments were insisted upon by opponents of the Constitution who feared tyranny by the federal government.
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Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments 11 thru 27.
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Grandsons of Liberty
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